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Let's Talk For A Bit: Let's talk for 15 minutes.
Need help? Don't know where to start? Fill out this short survey. Then give me a call. We'll evaluate where you are at in your job search. We can decide where to go from there.
Bryan Dilts (717)975-9001. And you can email me at bryan@agicc.com .
I also write a blog and newsletter several times a week. They'll help. The blog is at www.howtoreallygetagreatjob.com/blog/ and the newsletter is at www.agicc.com/lists.htm .
Useful links: These are some companies that have helped others.
I Need A Great Resume: Something that gets employers to call me.
You need to stop people in their tracks and force them to call you.
The first step in your job search is to put together a great resume. I'll spend at least an hour with you going over your resume. It can be up to three separate sessions that together total an hour. You will have a chance to improve, refine, and perfect it.
You will also get FREE
A copy of my book on writing resumes,
My resume planner, and
An audio file of a live seminar that will help you understand effective resumes.
You will put together one or more resumes that are focused, effective, and attention catching. You'll be the writer. I'll help you make it sing. It could be the best investment of your job search.
Emergency Job Search Coaching: You need to eat. You need a job now.
Are you unemployed?
Received notice of your layoff?
Or do you just plain need to get a new job as quickly as possible?
This will jump start your job search.
The first week is very intense. You will get your resume done and set your initial job search plan. Job Boards, networking, interviewing skills, attitude adjustments, and the use and abuse of recruiters will be covered.
Can you cut your job search from 6 months to 1 or 2 months? Or from a year to 5 months?
I don't know how long your job search will take. But, after your first week of training and coaching you will take full advantage of every opportunity. And ongoing coaching will give you the best possible shot at landing a job.
You will get
5 mp3 audio files giving you the secrets I have learned in 16 years of recruiting. They work well. Very well.
Copies of e-books and forms you'll need to help in your job search
5 personal coaching sessions on the phone with me for 15 minutes each.
An invitation to join my networks of hiring managers, recruiters, and trainers.
5 weeks of Training and Q&A conference calls along with recordings of those sessions.
Access to our online forum.
I want to see you succeed quickly.
The only thing that would be better is Very Personal Emergency Job Search Coaching
All this help is concentrated into the most critical 5 weeks of your job search. Then we can set up an ongoing coaching program that fits your needs. Of course by then you may have a job already like other graduates of the program.
Very Personal Emergency Job Search Coaching: I will personally go through the training and coaching process with you. You will have a 90 minute "startup" session with me. Then we'll do 5 one hour long personal training sessions that we design specifically for your need, and 4 more weeks of one coaching session per week. Plus we will talk for 10 minutes before and after each interview you set up to make sure you ace them.
You get everything in Emergency Job Search Coaching in addition to all the one-on-one coaching.
The first 6 sessions will hit you fast and furious. We can do them in one week or two weeks.
This is the best possible package to help you find a job quickly. When the first 10 sessions are done we will move you into one of the ongoing career coaching options.
Career Job Search Coaching: If you just want help finding the right job, but you are secure where you are at, this is what you need. Well take a direction that is more focused on long term career. Your resume won't be put together until you have figured out exactly where your career needs to go.You'll want to move as fast as possible without getting overburdened. This includes two initial "definition" sessions that can range from 45 minutes to 3 hours. Then weekly coaching sessions for a minimum of 3 months.
Career Coaching: First we'll find out what are the best careers for you. There is some brainstorming, and a lot of down to earth work. We may find that your present job really does have the opportunities you need. We may also find that you need to make a complete career change.
Change may be fast, but 6 months to a year of work is very common. The initial "definition" session we will have will last 45 minutes to 3 hours. We'll talk every other week, and you'll figure out your true vocation, and how to get there by the time we are done.
Let's talk about what will work for you. Call me.
Bryan Dilts at 717-975-9001 or email me at bryan@agicc.com
Individualized coaching to help you with an urgent job search or a needed career change.