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New ideas every day--How to REALLY get a GREAT JOB

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Job Search Helps

Here are some things I suggest you look into.

Send an email here to get notified of regular free and paid teleconference training on how to find a job.  Topics include resumes, networking, interviews, follow-up, cover letters, social networks, recruiters, and more.

Social network disease checkup . You may have a social network disease that is hurting your career or job search.  You can have a checkup for a nominal fee.

Find contact information..
Find the contact information for people that you just can't find any other way. For instance, there is a link on the lower right hand side of the page for social network searches. I used this service 200 times last year.

5 weeks - How to find a job in 5 weeks.

Individualized coaching to help you with an urgent job search or a needed career change.